Welcome to OX-KIDS – Your Ultimate Learning and Enrichment Hub!

At OX-KIDS, we are deeply committed to every aspect of your child’s well-being – education, play, and health. With a seamless integration of our current services and our expanded offerings, we encompass a comprehensive range of services to enrich your child’s life fully.

Education for the Brightest Future: Building on our years of experience in children’s education, OX-KIDS remains a trusted and leading provider of academic subjects and enriching classes. Our exceptional team of educators, including PSLE markers, ex-MOE teachers, and international instructors, is dedicated to fostering your child’s growth. We continue to offer well-designed online courses and interactive physical sessions, ensuring the highest quality education that both parents and students love.

Toys that Spark Joy and Learning: Embracing our OXTOY brand, we believe in the magic of play and learning combined. Our carefully curated collection includes mind-stimulating puzzles, science-inspired wonders, and delightful birthday gifts. With OXTOY, watch your child flourish with focus, intelligence, and boundless joy. Join us on this enchanting journey, creating cherished family memories that will last a lifetime.

Empowering Health and Vitality: Extending our dedication to wellness, we proudly introduce iSport – dedicated to promoting health and an active lifestyle for your family. Our top-quality sports products encourage movement, growth, and well-being. Whether it’s kicking a ball in the backyard or exploring new adventures together, iSport supports your pursuit of a healthier and happier life. Together, let’s embrace health and happiness, one playful moment at a time.

Our Integrated Approach: At OX-KIDS, we continue to be the first platform in Singapore that brings together many reputable educational and enrichment institutions, offering a variety of course coupons and vouchers. Our platform enables students and parents to effectively find their preferred reputable educational institution in no time while enjoying the courses at great preferential rates, saving more on course fees by utilizing our exclusive discount coupons. This creates a win-win situation for all parties, including students, parents, and educational institutions. Students can participate in tuition lessons and enrichment classes conducted by estimable teachers, parents can choose from a wide variety of courses on offer at discounted rates, and our partners can provide services to a wider audience.

OX-KIDS provides a one-stop learning and enrichment platform and a plethora of quality services for children and dedicated parents. Join us on this holistic journey towards nurturing bright minds, joyful hearts, and healthy bodies.

Together, let’s embark on an extraordinary adventure at OX-KIDS, where wellness meets wonder.

Our Vision

Our vision is to make quality education accessible to all through our online platform. We strive to connect students with reputable educational institutions while providing affordable and effective online tuition. Our goal is to create a global community of lifelong learners who are empowered to reach their full potential through education.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide accessible and affordable online tuition while connecting students to reputable educational institutions in Singapore. We are committed to delivering high-quality education that prepares students for success in a rapidly changing world. We leverage technology to enhance the learning experience and empower students to reach their full potential.

Our Partners

Our Achievements

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