Parents / guardians are to fill up and sign the application form on behalf of their child. We will require information such as your child’s name, age, school, etc. Kindly select the desired programme, location, number of lessons and time slot you would like your child to attend.
Course Fees
Fees payable depending on the programme selected. A list of our programmes can be found here. For information on our fee structures, contact us by WhatsApp at +65 9878 8235
Administrative Fee
For first time applications, a registration fee of $50 is charged.
A fully refundable deposit of $200 is charged for first-time registrants and will be held by the Centre until completion of all lessons or withdrawal from the class. This deposit will be used to relieve any damages caused by students, subject to the Centre’s discretion. Parents are expected to top-up costs exceeding $200, as well as maintain a minimum of $100 of deposit. For details on refunds of deposits, refer to ‘Refund Policy’.
Outstanding invoices will be sent to parents / guardians via email or WhatsApp. Currently, payment is received either through bank transfer or PayNow (Our UEN is 201828532M). Please make payment within 3 working days of receiving the invoice. Late payment will result in delays in scheduling of lessons for your child.
Our bank details are as follows:
NK Education Pte Ltd.
OCBC A/C NO: 538844812001
All materials will be provided by the Centre, but students are encouraged by the Centre to read further so as to reinforce core concepts taught in class, be it on programming or the physical phenomena and objects explored in the lesson.
Latecomers will be allowed into the classroom, but will not be compensated for any time missed as lessons will begin and end at the stipulated time. Parents / guardians are reminded to ensure that their child arrives promptly so that they will be able to attend the full duration of the lesson.
At NK Robotics, we hand tokens out to our students at the end of lessons when we observe them display commendable behaviour. This can range from going the extra mile to improve a design after completing a lesson’s objective, to helping other students who are struggling to understanding a particular concept or build. These tokens can then be exchanged for prizes. For more information on the prizes we offer, kindly speak to one of our staff at our centres.
Refund of deposits
This deposit is fully refundable if a) no renewal of lessons is requested upon completion of the selected programme, or b) an application for premature withdrawal is submitted.
Please send us a copy of the original receipt and your bank details to begin the refund process.
Refund of lessons
Lessons are non-refundable unless exceptional circumstances stand
Otherwise, lessons can only be rescheduled as dictated by the ‘Rescheduling of Lessons’ section above.
For further enquiries, feel free to contact us by email at admin@nkr.sg or WhatsApp at +65 9878 8235.